23 DIARIO DEL PUERTO MIÉRCOLES 7 FEBRERO 2024 casos, un sobrecoste difíci l de soportar sin aportar un incremento real en la seguridad de la instalación frigorífica, dificultando enormemente el aseguramiento de las cámaras. Una de las grandes reivindicaciones de ALDEFE ha sido la de considerar al sector como electrointensivo. ¿Lo han logrado? Por el momento no. Seguimos solicitando que se otorgue la categoría de consumidor electrointensivo a aquellos que, como nosotros, a pesar de no estar incluidos en la “lista de sectores en riesgo significativo” o en la “lista de sectores en riesgo” del CNAE, demuestren que cumplen los requisitos previstos en el artículo 3 y los criterios de admisibilidad señalados en el artículo 405 de las Directrices del año 2022 de la Comisión Europea sobre ayudas estatales en materia de clima, protección del medio ambiente y energía. installation,making itextremely difficult to insure the chambers. One of the main demands of ALDEFE has been to consider the industry as electro-intensive. Did you achieve this? Not yet. We continue to request that the category of electrointensive consumer be granted to those who, like us, despite not beingincludedinthe“listofsectors at significant risk” or inthe “list of sectorsat risk” of theCNAE, show that theymeet the requirements provided for in Article 3 and the eligible criteria indicated in Article 405 of the 2022Guidelines of the European Commission on state aid in the field of climate, environmental protect ion andenergy. Another of your main challenges is the use of fluorinated gases. What alternatives do you work with? Companies in the industry demand that, in view of the regulatory norms relating to fluorinated gases, which lead to their extinction in 8 years, we can use gases with a very low heating coefficient such as A2L gases that allow the survival of existing facilities thanks to the convers ion of HFC refrigerants such as R449A, R134a, R449A, to these new and current A2L, slightly flammable refrigerants such as R454C or R455. Inwhat way can that change be beneficial? The conversion resulting from adapting current equipment would substantially reduce the consumpt ion of HFC refrigerants that are harmful to t h e a tmo s ph e r e a nd wou l d no t r ep r e s ent an investment that is impossible for a company to assume. Obviously, al l this should be done through a standard homologation procedure that allows this conversion with all the guarantees of safety and efficiency. ALDEFE demanda a la Administración un aumento de las ayudas a las empresas del sector. ALDEFE demands from the Administration an increase in aid for companies in the industry.