22 DIARIO DEL PUERTO MIÉRCOLES 7 FEBRERO 2024 total del sector supera los 106,5 millones de euros. Podemos decir que se mantiene la tendencia de aumentar el stock de productos. Lo que no sabemos aún es si ese crecimiento se debe a la disminución de la demanda de sus productos. ¿Son partidarias las empresas de acometer nuevos proyectos? Hoy en día, salvo el caso de Frigoríficos Portuarios del Sur, en el hub del frío del Puerto de Huelva, hay estabilidad y la situación de expectativa es la tónica general. En años anteriores se han dado situaciones de concentración empresarial. ¿Sigue esta tendencia? Nohemos detectado grandesmovimientosenestesentido.Escierto queenlosañosprecedenteshahabido grandes operaciones de concentración empresarial y adquisiciones de compañías por parte de inversiones internacionales, pero hoy endía parece que estamos en fase de estabilidad a la espera de que2024puedatraersorpresas.No olvidemos que en toda Europa se están dando procesos de concentración paramejorar la eficiencia yoptimizar los costes. Nothing strange considering that this is a sector linked to food distribution and that, in general, frozen products have a tighter retail price value than many other fresh products. Can we then say that expectations in general have been met? I think this situationof stability wa s ba s i c a l l y e xpe c te d . Stability, not growth, because it is growth that an industry like ours needs to obtain benefits to compensate the low margins in cold services. Considering the data for the first half of 2023, the average occupancy of frozen products warehouses reached 76.46%, a figure very close to that of the first quarter. The estimated turnover of the industry in total exceeds 106.5 million euros. We can say that the tendency of increasing the stock of products continues. What we do not yet know is whether this growth is due to the decrease in demand for its products. Are the companies willing to embark on new projects? As of today, except in the case of Frigoríficos Portuarios del Sur, in the cold hub of the Port of Huelva, there is stability and the situation of expectation is the general trend. Las estimaciones de ALDEFE hablan de que los grandes movimientos en toda Europa tendentes a la concentración empresarial no serán tan intensos como en años anteriores. ALDEFE foresee that the large movements throughout Europe towards business concentration will not be as intense as in previous years. “The industry is in a situation of stability, not growth, but it is growth that our industry needs to obtain benefits to compensate the lowmargins in cold services” ¿Cómo responden las empresas del sector? En estemomento la situación de estabilidad se traduce en continuidad, es decir, mantenimiento decarteras, serviciosy, engeneral, de costes ligados a la gestión. Eso siempreque excluyamos a los seguros, que han disparado de forma incomprensible ydesmedida sus costesenel aseguramientode losproductosalmacenadosenlas instalaciones frigoríficas. Al respecto de la seguridad, ustedes reclamanmayor claridad en las normas generales de seguridad. Eso es . Defendemos que la apl icación de esas normas , que se aplican en las cámaras frigoríficas y especialmente las relativas a protección antiincendios, sean lo más claras posibles para no dar lugar a multitud de interpretaciones dependiendo de la comunidad autónoma en la que se encuentre la instalación e incluso del municipio. Dichas medidas pueden suponer, en muchos In previous years, we have seen cases of business concentration. Is this trend continuing? We have not detected major movements in this sense. It is true that in previous years there have been large business concent rat ion operat ions and company acquisitions by international investments, but today it seems that we are in a phase of stabi l ity wa i t ing for 2024 to br ing surprises. Let us not forget that concentration processes are taking place throughout Europe to improve efficiency and optimize costs. How do companies in the industry respond? Now, the situation of stability translates into continuity, that is, maintenance of portfolios, services and, in general, costs linked to management. That is if we exclude insurance, which has increased its costs in an incomprehensible and d i spropor t i onate way i n insuring the products stored in refrigeration facilities. Regarding security, you demand greater clarity in the general security regulations. That is right.Wedefend that the application of these standards, which apply in cold storage chambers and especially those related to fire protection, be as clear as possible so as not to give rise to a multitude of interpretations depending on the autonomous community in which the facility is located and even municipality. These measures can entail, in many cases, an extra cost that is di f f icul t to bear wi thout providing a real increase in the security of the refrigeration “Los seguros han disparado de forma incomprensible y desmedida sus costes en el aseguramiento de los productos almacenados en las instalaciones frigoríficas” “Insurance has increased its costs in an incomprehensible and disproportionate way in insuring products stored in refrigeration facilities”