16 DIARIO DEL PUERTO MIÉRCOLES 7 FEBRERO 2024 España, primer productor de Europa y séptimo del mundo Elsectorhortofrutícolaesconsideradocomo “unsectorestratégico”paralaeconomíaespañolayaqueel 50%desuproducciónsedestina a losmercados exteriores. Actualmente, España es el principal productor de frutas y verdurasdelaUniónEuropea,conunacuota del 28,4%, y la séptima del mundo. Además, eslasegundapotenciaexportadoramundial envalor, solopor detrás de EstadosUnidos, yconunsuperávitcomercialmuypositivo. Paramantenerlacalidadyasegurarelfuturo deestesector,elGobiernodeEspañahapuestoenmarchamedidasdeflexibilizacióndelos programasoperativosde lasorganizaciones deproductoresdefrutasyhortalizasaprobadaspor laComisiónEuropea, a lasque se sumanlasayudasextraordinariasalsectorpara hacerfrenteasituacionescoyunturalescomo lasconsecuenciasde laguerradeUcrania. Excelenciay variedad ElministrodeAgricultura,PescayAlimentaciónenfunciones,LuisPlanas,destacalaexcelenciadelsectorhortofrutícola,del cual resaltasubuenacapacidaddeorganizaciónysupapel relevantedentrode laagriculturaespañola. “Suproducción-subraya-cuentaconunaltoestándarde calidadyvariedad,ysitúaaEspañacomoprimerproductordefrutasyhortalizas de laUniónEuropeay el séptimodelmundo”. Planas recuerda su compromiso conel sector, estrechamente relacionadoconvariosde los objetivosde laPresidenciaespañoladelConsejoduranteelsegundosemestrede2023,entrelosquese encontrabalaintegracióndelas“cláusulasespejo”enlostratadoscomercialesde laUniónEuropeaparacompetirenigualescondicionescontercerospaísesenla produccióndelosalimentosqueestánadisposicióndelosciudadanoseuropeos. OtradelasprioridadesdelaPresidenciaespañoladuranteelpasadoañopasaba por reforzar el papel de las agrupaciones de productores y laprotecciónde las figurasdecalidad, comolas indicacionesgeográficas. Spain, first producer in Europe and seventh in the world The fruit andvegetable sector is considered “a strategicsector” fortheSpanisheconomysince 50% of its production is destined for foreign markets.Currently, Spainis themainproducer offruitsandvegetables intheEuropeanUnion, with a share of 28.4%, and the seventh in the world. In addition, it is the second world exporting power in value, only behind the United States, and with a very positive trade surplus To maintain quality and ensure the future of this sector, the Government of Spain has implemented measures to make the operational programs of fruit and vegetable producer organizations approved by the European Commission more flexible, with extraordinary aid is added to the industry to face current situations such as the consequences of thewar inUkraine. Excellence and variety The acting Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, highlights the excellence of the fruit and vegetable industry, highlighting its good organizational capacity and its relevant role within Spanish agriculture. “Its production - he emphasizes - has a high standard of quality and variety, and places Spain as the leading producer of fruits and vegetables in the EuropeanUnion and the seventh in the world.” Planas recalls his commitment to the industry, closely related to several of the targets of the Spanish Presidency of the Council during the second half of 2023, amongwhichwas the integrationof “mirror clauses” intheEuropean Union trade agreements to compete on equal terms with third countries in theproductionof foodthat is available toEuropeancitizens. Another of the priorities of the SpanishPresidency during the past yearwas to strengthen the role of producer groups and the protection of quality enforcers, such as geographical indications. España es el principal productor de frutas y verduras de la Unión Europea, con una cuota del 28,4%, y la séptima del mundo. Spain is the main producer of fruits and vegetables in the European Union, with a share of 28.4%, and the seventh in the world ranking.