39 DIARIO DEL PUERTO LUNES 8 ABRIL 2024 Crece el número de buques con sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales Como parte de su enfoque general de sostenibilidad, las navieras de crucerosmantienen su compromisodenodescargaraguasresidualessin tratarenningúnlugardelmundo.Entodalaflota de crucerosmiembrosdeCLIA, 202barcos (77% deltotal),querepresentanel80%delacapacidad globaldepasajeros,estánequipadosconsistemas avanzados de tratamientode aguas residuales, quefuncionanconunestándarmásaltoque las plantasentierraenmuchasciudadescosteras. Todoslosbarcosdenuevaconstrucciónestán equipadosconestetipodetecnología, loqueelevaráeltotala242buques,esdecir,el80%delaflotayel84%delacapacidadglobal.Comoejemplo, desde2019,elnúmerodebuquesconsistemasavanzadosdetratamientodeaguas residualescapacesdecumplirconlosestándaresmásestrictosdelaZonaEspecial delMarBáltico-unodelosmásexigentedelmundo-haaumentadoun167%.Hoy endía, casiunterciodelosbarcosmiembrosdeCLIAtienenestacapacidad. Ademásdeltratamientodeaguasresiduales, losbuquescuentanconsistemas delimpiezadegasesdeescapequemejoranlacalidaddelaireenelmaryenpuerto, sistemas de lubricaciónpara cascos debarcos para reducir la resistenciayel consumodecombustible,motorescadavezmáseficientesqueconsumenmenos combustibleyreducen lasemisiones, iluminaciónLED-quedura25vecesmásy utilizaun80%menosdeenergía-, recubrimientosdepinturaespecialesparacascosdebarcos que reducenel consumode combustiblehastaun5%, instalación de cristales tintados, electrodomésticos demayor eficienciay sistemasHVACy ventanasquecapturanyreciclanelcalor,asícomosistemasyprácticasdereciclaje avanzadosquepermitenaalgunosbarcosreciclarel 100%delosresiduos. The number of ships with wastewater treatment systems grows As part of their overal l approach to sus ta inabi l i ty, crui se l ines rema in committed to not discharging untreated wastewater anywhere in the world. Across theCLIAmember cruisefleet, 202 ships (77% of the total), representing 80% of global passenger capacity, are equipped with advanced wastewater treatment systems, operating to a higher standard than plants on land in many coastal cities. All new built ships are equipped with this type of technology, whichwill bring the total to 242 vessels, that is, 80% of the fleet and 84% of global capacity. As an example, since 2019, the number of ships with advanced wastewater treatment systems capable of meeting the strictest standards of the Baltic Sea Special Zone - one of the most demanding in the world - has increased by 167%. Today, nearly a third of CLIAmember ships have this capability. In addition to wastewater treatment, the ships have exhaust gas cleaning systems that improve air quality at sea and in port, lubrication systems for ship hulls to reduce resistance and fuel consumption, more and more efficient engines that consume less fuel and reduce emissions, LED lighting - which lasts 25 times longer and uses 80% less energy -, special paint coatings for boat hulls that reduce fuel consumption by up to 5%, installation of tinted glass, higher efficiency appliances and HVAC systems and windows that capture and recycle heat, as well as advanced recycling systems and practices that allow some ships to recycle 100% of waste. El 77% de los cruceros que actualmente están en servicio disponen de sistemas avanzados de tratamiento de aguas residuales.. / 77% of cruise ships currently in service have advanced wastewater treatment systems.