Estado del sector - Current market situation 15 THE ENERGY PARADIGM As far as the major project cargo markets such as energy are concerned, ”the development of new technologies associated with oil & gas is going through tough times due to the new geopolitical situation and the strategic change imposed by the more developed countries,” says Juan de Castro, Regional Manager of Pérez y Cía. in Bilbao, who pointed out that the markets associated with green technologies ”are enjoying strong momentum and the most promising sectors in terms of opportunities and growth are related to renewable energies, green information technology, recycling, and water treatment.” According to the CEO of Noatum Project Cargo, Daniel Berasategui, ”green energy generation is becoming increasingly prevalent in the market and blue energy generation is making great strides, but we must not forget that we are still a long way from generating energy from fossil fuels; the most important market in the medium and long term is offshore wind and solar power.” In terms of geographical markets, Berasategui stated that no one wants to be left behind in the energy paradigm shift and that changes are occurring rapidly in all regions, ”which means we have to move quickly and be outstanding in terms of delivery at this time.” According to Juan López-Dóriga, Key Accounts Director at Bergé, wind turbine transport has perhaps been the most stable, ”although the production of components and the construction of wind farms in Spain is not having its best year.” Even so, at global level, it continues to be one of the most buoyant industries. ”In the energy sector, in its different variants, it continues to be the sector with the most growth and the best forecasts”, says López-Dóriga, who believes that the rail market has also remained strong, ”driven by the expansion of public spending and investment in infrastructure.” ”In recent years, the oil and derivatives market has suffered heavily, with very little investment, both in maintenance and in the construction of new refineries; on the other hand, investment in LNG has soared, with many projects in the pipeline through to 2027.” The second challenge is ”to add value and quality to our specialised logistics and for this value to be rewarded and recognised by our customers.” ”Failure to value the difficulty of our work, first by us and then by our clients, can jeopardise the minimum standards of safety, reliability and quality, in that order, of the services we provide,” warned the CEO of Noatum Project Cargo. Juan de Castro, from Pérez y Cía., agrees that at present ” it is difficult to find candidates with the right profiles” and mentions new factors that are more important nowadays, such as emotional compensation (flexible pay, teleworking, internal and quality training...). ”All this La competencia entre compañías para adquirir talento es legítima y es un condicionante de mercado con el que siempre hemos convivido. La retención de talento es primordial y capital de cara a la mejora continua de nuestro desempeño”, El segundo reto pasa por “conseguir agregar valor de calidad a nuestra logística especializada y que ese valor se vea recompensado y reconocido por nuestros clientes”. “No valorar la dificultad de nuestro trabajo, primero por nosotros mismos y luego por nuestros clientes, puede hacer peligrar los mínimos estándares de seguridad, fiabilidad y calidad, por este orden, de los servicios que prestamos”, advierte el CEO de Noatum Project Cargo. Green technology-related markets are enjoying strong momentum and are among the most promising sectors in terms of opportunities and growth