FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023 52 FERNANDO VITORIA El incremento de los costes energéticos es, sin duda, uno de los principales problemas a los que se están enfrentando las empresas logísticas vinculadas a la cadena de distribución del sector hortofrutícola. Afortunadamente, se trata de un colectivo compuesto por mercantiles resilientes, acostumbradas al cambio y con la creatividad necesaria como para afrontar disrupciones. Marcos Badenes, secretario general de ADELFE, explica que las empresas se adaptan con “sensatez y eficacia”. “No vale FERNANDO VITORIA Rising energy costs are undoubtedly one of the main problems facing logistics companies linked to the fruit and vegetable distribution chain. Fortunately, this is a group of resilient companies, which are used to change and are creative enough to deal with disruptions. Marcos Badenes, General Secretary of ADELFE, explains that companies are adapting ”sensibly and efficiently”. ”After the initial shock, which was greater with the cost of gas, companies took strategic decisions RESILIENCIA FRENTE AL AUMENTODE LOS COSTES RESILIENCE IN THE FACE OF RISING COSTS Las empresas han implementado planes de contingencia para hacer frente al incremento de los costes. Companies have implemented contingency plans to cope with rising costs.